
Where to get emotional support for COPD

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease affects more than 11 million Americans. It is a progressive disease. This means it will only

Psychological effects of COPD

COPD — otherwise known as Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease — is a diagnosis that no one wants to hear. Despite

Psychological effects of COPD on seniors

Chronic Obstructed Pulmonary Disease affects a lot of people in the United States. In 2010 alone, it claimed the lives

How to live a happy life with COPD

In the United States, COPD is the third leading cause of mortality. This surprises many people, and worries those who

How to cope with COPD and depression

COPD, otherwise known as Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, impacts every breath the affected party takes. The onset of COPD happens

How to Get Free Prescription Drugs or Low Cost Prescription Medication

Current economic times cause many to take lower-paying jobs. Many have also lost their jobs. These circumstances leave individuals without

How to Create a Medical Family Health Tree

A family medical history or a medical family tree is a wonderful tool that can help patients and health care

How to Be There For, And Support, A Terminally Ill Person

It is beyond painful to learn that someone you care about has a terminal illness. You want to help, but

Stop Feeling Sorry for Yourself

Life can be a joy, but it can also be a struggle. Most of us are victims of circumstance. When

How to Participate in Clinical Trials for Pay

Clinical trials are research studies on all new drugs or medical treatments and devices to determine their effectiveness and safety

What Are The Side Effects Of Oxygen Therapy?

Oxygen is often provided to reduce the workload of the heart and lungs in emergency situations. Conditions that weaken the

Social & Emotional Benefits of Regular Exercise

Exercise is one of the best ways to remain fit and healthy for people of all ages. The physical benefits


a large-scale long range survey focused on understanding, preventing and treating cardiovascular disease. Conducted for over 50 years, the study


a major depressive episode which takes place soon following the start or remediation of cardiovascular illness or which is presumed


failure of the cardiovascular system to administer a adequate amount of blood to the body's tissues. This might consist of


a condition elicited by too much ingestion of vitamin D. Prolonged overdose of vitamin D can elicit permanent injury to


noun. an uncommon antipsychotic which is utilized for the remediation of schizophrenia and of acute manic or combined episodes correlated


noun. a drug posited into the U.S. as an immunosuppressant for remediation of cutaneous developments of erythema nodosum leposum. A


1. a low-potency antipsychotic of the piperidine phenothiazine category which, such as others of the same category, elicits sleep and


An early symptom or set of symptoms that may indicate a warning of an impending physical or mental disorder. The