Substance Abuse Disorders


Counselor's Role in Emergency Teams

  Counselor's role in emergency teams   Interview with an Emergency Professional Emily deals with different crises on a daily

Diagnosis and Treatment Planning

Diagnosis and Treatment Planning The clients name for this case study is John and he is a 21-year-old Caucasian male

Hitler and Conformity

Adolf Hitler rose to power when he was placed in charge of the Nazi party in 1920. Considering his troubled

A Comparison of Maternal and Paternal Filicide

Abstract This study intends to explore the differences between maternal and paternal filicide. The sample population consists of five males

What Does A Psychological Evaluation Consist Of?

Psychological evaluations are a predetermined series of procedures administered by a licensed mental health professional in order to gather information

What Are The Benefits Of Behavioral Theories?

Behavioral theories are used to predict the way that a person or group of people will react to a certain

Different Ways that Adolescents Take Oxycodone

According to statistics, in 2014, more than 460,000 adolescents admitted to abusing prescription pain relieving medications. More than half of

What Are The Different Types Of Psychiatrists and Psychologists?

When it comes to getting psychological treatment, there are a number of different approaches that you can take. This choice

Parts of the Brain and Cognitive Function

The brain is a complex organ that is responsible for cognitive function. How it does this is complicated, as there

ADHD Inattentive Medications

Unlike other forms of ADHD, the inattentive diagnosis is characteristic of someone who has a short attention span, is easily

Cognitive Techniques For Stress Management

Therapists commonly use cognitive-behavior techniques in an effort to help people overcome the stress experienced in everyday situations or after

Depression & Elevated Liver Enzymes

People diagnosed as having clinical depression are often prescribed various medication designed to alleviate symptoms. However, in addition to altering

Effects of Alcohol on Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder is a disease of the central nervous system that causes mood swings ranging from depression to mania. Another

Signs Of Emotional Abuse In A Relationship

Emotional abuse is one of the most insidious forms of abuse because it is not always easy for the victim

Adderall & Psychosis

Psychosis is a severe mental disorder where thoughts and emotions become impaired and the individual generally appears to have lost

List Of Emotional Feelings

Practically from birth, humans are capable of feeling a wide range of emotions from positive to negative. For instance, a

Depression Signs Of Withdrawal From People

Depression is a disorder of the central nervous system. The most likely cause is low levels of chemicals in the

Crystal Meth Psychological Side Effects

The highly addictive illegal substance known as crystal meth causes many different short and long-term psychological side effects due to

How to Wean Yourself Off Caffeine

Unlike alcohol, nicotine and other substances frowned upon by society, caffeine and coffee, sodas and energy drinks remain acceptable and

How to Tell if You are Over-Medicated

Over-medication involves people using medications excessively or unnecessarily. Statistics compiled by the National Institutes of Health at the University of