

How to Participate in Clinical Trials for Pay

Clinical trials are research studies on all new drugs or medical treatments and devices to determine their effectiveness and safety

Get Closure From a Relationship

When any type of relationship ends, the individuals involved typically experience a wide range of emotions that commonly include anger,

Develop a Photographic Memory

Photographic memory refers to having the ability to recall images with great accuracy. The term is sometimes confused with eidetic

Emotional Barriers to Effective Communication

The ability to communicate effectively is an important skill in all walks of life: professional, social and personal. Some barriers

Physical, Cognitive and Psychosocial Development

Physical, mental and emotional maturity is something that is developed in stages throughout childhood and adulthood. These attributes are all

What Are The Side Effects Of Oxygen Therapy?

Oxygen is often provided to reduce the workload of the heart and lungs in emergency situations. Conditions that weaken the

Does Spinal Decompression Therapy Work?

Spinal decompression therapy is a relatively new procedure that attempts to mitigate for spinal compression injuries without surgery. It is

How to Check your Serotonin Level for Depression

Serotonin is a naturally produced chemical in your body called a neurotransmitter. Neurotransmitters work like orders, going from the brain

Counseling Techniques for Adolescents

Adolescence can be one of the most emotionally turbulent times in a person's life. Hormones, changing responsibilities, the rewiring of

Occupational Therapy Techniques For Stroke Patients

Rehabilitation is essential for patients who are trying to cope with some of the debilitating side effects of a stroke.

Infant Cognitive Development Activities

Brain development in infants can be a fun and fascinating thing to watch. There are a lot of great ways

Five Common Types of Psychological Tests

Many people have a great fear of mental health testing. This is often because there is no real scale for

How Do Police Deal With Stress?

It?s no secret that police officers have incredibly stressful work environments. They may see a variety of different heart-breaking tragedies


is an umbrella term used to describe any environment (a habitat or place) which can affect the species living there


is a type of social interaction occuring between two people where they will converse or exchange knowledge, an example of


is one of the five models apart of the Big Five Model of Personality. The factor theory of personality is


are typically associated with theory-of-mind studies where they are tasks during which children must infer that another understand or possess


has been observed in a range of cultures, typically these are in western cultures, a father fixation implies an incredibly


This man was hired as a statistician for World War II and was involved in the training and selection of


the name of a 60 item test of neurophysiology in 3 parts. A finger is touched and identified, then the