

Symptoms Of Lethargy In Depression

Many people refer to depression as a mental illness. In fact, it is a disease of the central nervous system.

Review Of LED Light Therapy

The same small colored lights used in everything from electronic devices to holiday decorations has also been incorporated into home

How to Sleep While Pregnant

The changes that your body undergoes during pregnancy are truly a miracle. While your body may be making things roomy

How to Tell if You are Over-Medicated

Over-medication involves people using medications excessively or unnecessarily. Statistics compiled by the National Institutes of Health at the University of

How to Get Free Prescription Drugs or Low Cost Prescription Medication

Current economic times cause many to take lower-paying jobs. Many have also lost their jobs. These circumstances leave individuals without

How to Create a Medical Family Health Tree

A family medical history or a medical family tree is a wonderful tool that can help patients and health care

How to Cure Insomnia Without Dangerous Drugs

Insomnia is a general term that may refer to an inability to fall asleep, frequent awakenings throughout the night, restlessness

How to Treat Night Sweats with Natural Home Remedies

Waking up at night to change pajamas and bed sheets is not conducive to a good night’s rest. If you

Cure Sleep Apnea Naturally

Statistics suggest that approximately 18 million adults in the United States suffer from sleep apnea. As many as four percent

Stop Feeling Sorry for Yourself

Life can be a joy, but it can also be a struggle. Most of us are victims of circumstance. When

Vitamin D Deficiency Causing Depression & Fatigue

The only vitamin that we can manufacture for ourselves, Vitamin D, plays a critical role in a number of different

How to Handle Toddler Night Terrors

If your child is screaming out in his sleep, and appears to be agitated or even hysterical when you reach

How to Get Pregnant With a Boy

Understanding the differences between male and female sperm is the first step in getting pregnant with a boy. The recently

How to Get Your Baby to Sleep Through The Night

Every new mother and father dreams about getting a full night?s sleep. Unfortunately, they are only getting those dreams in

How Do Police Deal With Stress?

It?s no secret that police officers have incredibly stressful work environments. They may see a variety of different heart-breaking tragedies


is one of the various types of counselling whereby parents, or even other family members, work with trained individual's such


Name used to describe the capacity that a person has for making their own decisions and directions in life. We


a general psychological approach that views mental life and behavior in terms of active adaptation to environmental challenges and opportunities.


This describes the extent to which group interactions among members are friendly, congruous and free from any conflicts.


1. rewarding behaviour that is inherent. 2. A specific organ and a type of behaviour that is expressed through it