

Depression in Athletes

Statistics indicate that up to 17 percent of college athletes suffer from depression. This number rises to 25 percent for

Electrotherapy For Weight Loss

Different forms of electrotherapy have long been used to reduce muscular pain or to stimulate and tone muscles for individuals

Cognitive Exercises After a Stroke

What is a Stroke? A stroke is a medical emergency that occurs when blood flow to the brain is blocked

Emotional Causes of Sinus Infections

The ability for the body to heal itself is still vastly misunderstood. There is a strong awareness of the issue,

Emotional Effects Of Eating Disorders

Poor self-esteem combined with poor body image perception and various emotional or mental health problems contribute to eating disorders. The

Physical Therapy For Trochanteric Bursitis

Trochanteric bursitis refers to inflammation of the fluid-filled capsule that cushions the bony knobs on the upper region of the

Depression Signs Of Withdrawal From People

Depression is a disorder of the central nervous system. The most likely cause is low levels of chemicals in the

Foods That Can Help Anxiety & Depression

People rarely equate negative moods with diet. However, what a person eats and when certain foods are eaten play significant

Crystal Meth Psychological Side Effects

The highly addictive illegal substance known as crystal meth causes many different short and long-term psychological side effects due to

Equip a Sensory Stimulation Room

What is a Sensory Stimulation Room? A sensory stimulation room is a designated, controlled space specifically designed to address the

How to Write Thoughtful Thank You Messages

Thank you notes containing a personalized message are one of the best ways to express gratitude to someone who has

How to Make Your Wife Feel Appreciated

Making your wife feel appreciated takes time and an understanding of what she needs. One theory on making someone feel

How to Write Thoughtful Funeral Card Messages

When someone dies, the survivors are left to grieve and pick up the pieces of their lives. Friends are an

How to Stop Being Too Nice

Most of us are raised to be caring and kind to others. However too often, people take advantage of others

How to Manage Menopause Mood Swings

Do you remember riding on the carousel as a child? Do you recall feeling exhilaration as your horse rose high

How to Lose Weight While on Antidepressants

Serotonin not only regulates mood but also turns off the desire to eat and is responsible for creating the feeling

How to Maintain Normalcy After a Hysterectomy

Hysterectomy refers to the surgical removal of the uterus. It is a commonly performed procedure and is often recommended to

How to Know If Gastric Sleeve Is Right For You

The gastric sleeve, also known as the sleeve gastrectomy, is a type of weight loss surgery. A surgeon removes more

How to Lose Weight When You Have Hypothyroidism

Eating nutrient-dense foods, reducing portion sizes and increasing physical activity are all vital to weight loss. However, hypothyroidism slows metabolic

How to Increase Your Assertiveness Skills

Being assertive means expressing and standing up for your own wants and needs without trampling on the rights of others.